Scary Maze Prank Original 12+ - App Store › us › appThis is the original classic Scary Maze Game that went viral on youtube frightening the world. The Scary Maze is not a real game but a scary joke prank for your friends. First let your friends be involved in the game. In the most unexpected moment the monster appears and starts to scream.
Scare Maze - Jumpscare Maze Prank Game
scaremaze.comJumpscare Maze Prank Game Make sure to hide this instruction window before you ask your victim to play the game and consider activating full screen mode with F11 button to hide the browser bar. Click the Start button with your mouse to get started and turn your mouse pointer into a square.
Scary Maze - Play Online on SilverGames › en › scary-mazeScary Maze is an online horror prank game created to scare people. Move your cursor slowly to the exit of each level. If your cursor touches any of the walls of the maze, the game ends immediately. The scary maze game offers many twists and surprises. Once they've played it to the end, most people like to share this game with their friends.
Scary Maze Game
scarymaze.ioScary Maze Game The new Scary Maze is scarier than ever before. Prank your friends by uploading a scary image of your own and easily share it via social media.