imshow (Image Processing Toolbox) › CSEL › matlabhelpimshow filename displays the image stored in the graphics file filename. imshow calls imread to read the image from the file, but the image data is not stored in the MATLAB workspace. The file must be in the current directory or on the MATLAB path. h = imshow (...) returns the handle to the image object created by imshow. Class Support
Display image - MATLAB imshow - MathWorks › help › imagesimshow (binaryImage) Display an Indexed Image Read a sample indexed image, corn.tif, into the MATLAB workspace. [corn_indexed,map] = imread ( "corn.tif" ); Display the indexed image using imshow. imshow (corn_indexed,map) Display Image from File Display an image stored in a file. filename = "peppers.png" ; imshow (filename)