Welcome to Eurocard | Eurocard
eurocard.comEurocard simplifies your financial life, all the way from payment to bookkeeping. Cards and accounts Expense handling services The flexible corporate card Pay for anything with one of the world's most flexible credit cards. Choose a company card that does everything smoothly from payment to bookkeeping. Take your pick
Login | Eurocard
eurocard.com › loginLogin | Eurocard Login As a cardholder, you can download and log in to the Eurocard app and you will always be in full control. You can also log in to My Eurocard here on this page. As an administrator you will find log in to all our administrative tools here. Choose your market: Sweden Norway Denmark Finland
Eurocard (credit card) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Eurocard_(credit_card)Eurocard was a credit card, introduced in 1964 by a Swedish banker in the Wallenberg family as an alternative to American Express. In 1968, it signed a deal with the Interbank Card Association so that their cards were accepted by each other's networks; this eventually led to a joint venture known as Maestro International in 1992, and merger in 2002. Its operations were relocated to Belgium in the end of the 1960s, and the card became the dominant brand in North and Central Europe between 1970 an
Customer service - Eurocard International
eurocardinternational.com › customerserviceMastercard Identity Check is a global security service which many online retailers use for making online payments more secure. When shopping online, you need to confirm your purchase with a one-time password sent to you as SMS. Log in to My Eurocard and check that you have registered your correct mobile phone number under your contact information.