Home | Marklund Lab
www.marklundlab.orgThe Marklund lab focuses on cell diversity in the Enteric Nervous System. By determining the variety of ENS cell subtypes, the functions they normally serve and their developmental specification we aim to improve diagnostic and therapeutic principles for gut disorders. The lab addresses these basic but critical questions by transcriptome ...
Home - Marklund
www.marklund.orgMarklund is a nonprofit organization that serves infants, children, teens and adults with severe and profound developmental disabilities and special healthcare needs. At Marklund, everything we do begins with caring for each and every child or adult with the same care we would want for our own family members. Many of our residents and community ...
HR Policies - Marklund
www.marklund.org › hr-policiesThe residential program at Marklund provides 24-hour residential care for infants, children and adults with severe and profound developmental disabilities in the northern Illinois region. Residences are located in Bloomingdale, Elgin and Geneva, Illinois.
Home - Marklund
https://www.marklund.orgMarklund is a nonprofit organization that serves infants, children, teens and adults with severe and profound developmental disabilities and special healthcare needs. At Marklund, …
Liza Marklund – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liza_MarklundLiza Marklund (oik. Elisabeth Marklund, s. 9. syyskuuta 1962 Piitime, Ruotsi) on ruotsalainen kirjailija ja toimittaja. Hänet tunnetaan rikoskirjoista, joiden päähenkilönä on iltapäivälehden rikostoimittaja Annika Bengtzon. Hän omistaa Jan Guilloun ja Ann-Marie Skarpin kanssa Piratförlagetin, joka on Ruotsin suurimpia kustantamoja. Marklundin kirjoja on käännetty 30 kielelle ja niitä on …