Enteric coating - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Enteric_coatingAn enteric coating is a polymer barrier applied to oral medication that prevents its dissolution or disintegration in the gastric environment. This helps by either protecting drugs from the acidity of the stomach, the stomach from the detrimental effects of the drug, or to release the drug after the stomach. Some drugs are unstable at the pH of gastric acid and need to be protected from degradation. Enteric coating is also an effective method to obtain drug targeting. Other drugs such as some an
Made in EC on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appMade in EC on the App Store This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Made in EC 9+ Fernando Pozo Cevallos $0.99 Only for iMessage Screenshots iPhone iPad Inspired in Ecuadorian culture, we bring you to iMessage the most popular slang amongst Ecuadorians. Hand-drawn, express yourself, laugh it out, have fun! What’s New
Made in EU - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Made_in_EUEuropean products stamped with a ‘Made in Europe’ stimulate growth in the EU. A "Made in Europe" label is not only a commercial label but also a signature that social and environmental issues are respected. The need for the label comes as the EU works to increase its competitiveness against the US and China.