Marava: TES - MaRa ry › jasenille › tyosuhdeasioidenMatkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajanpalvelualan TES. Mikä MaRa on? Matkailu- ja Ravintolapalvelut MaRa on matkailu-, majoitus-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajanpalvelualan sekä niihin liittyvän hyvinvointipalvelualan yrittäjien ja työnantajien edunvalvoja ja työmarkkinajärjestö.
Etusivu - MaRa ry
https://www.mara.fiMatkailu- ja Ravintolapalvelut MaRa on matkailu-, majoitus-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajanpalvelualan sekä niihin liittyvän hyvinvointipalvelualan yrittäjien ja työnantajien edunvalvoja ja työmarkkinajärjestö.
Mara | The Elder Scrolls: Role-Play Wiki | Fandom › wiki › MaraMara, a goddess of the Nine Divines, is considered the mother-goddess and goddess of love. Some consider her as a universal goddess. Her origins started in mythic times as a fertility goddess. In Skyrim, Mara is a handmaiden of Kyne. In the Empire, she is Mother-Goddess. She is sometimes associated with Nir of the "Anuad," the female principle of the cosmos that gave birth to creation ...
Lore:Mara - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) › wiki › Lore:MaraLore:Mara. Mara, also known as Mother Mara, Mother Mild, and the Divine Mother, is the Goddess of Love, Fertility, Agriculture, and Compassion. She is also acclaimed as the Mother-Goddess, and is one of the Divines. In the Merethic Era, Mara was originally worshipped simply as a fertility goddess, but the sphere of the Divine later extended to ...