Der 10.000-Meter-Lauf der Männer bei den Olympischen Spielen 1972 in München wurde am 31. August und 3. September 1972 im Olympiastadion München ausgetragen. 51 Athleten nahmen teil. Olympiasieger wurde der Finne Lasse Virén, der im Finale mit 27:38,35 min einen neuen Weltrekord aufstellte.
Men's 10000 m - Athletics - Munich 1972 Summer Olympics. Event Format: Athletes competed in preliminary heats and final. The best athletes from each heat (Q) and a number of "lucky losers" (q) advanced to the final. The winner of the final was the Gold medal winner.
The Men's 5000 metres at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany took place on 7 and 10 September 1972. Having won the 10,000 metres a week earlier, Lasse Virén controlled the pace through the first 2000 metres in 5:32.61. David Bedford, tired of the slow pace, passing Viren and leading a crowd to go around to a faster pace.
Virén voitti 5 000:n ja 10 000 metrin juoksut 1972 Münchenin ja 1976 Montrealin olympialaisissa. Hän juoksi uransa aikana lisäksi maailmanennätyksen ...
e. The men's 10,000 metres event at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich was held on 31 August and 3 September. This event featured a qualifying round for the first time since the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp. The favorites in the event included Belgium 's Emiel Puttemans, Great Britain 's Dave Bedford, and Finland 's Lasse Virén.