Lykky Kirppis” jos mnÄÄ olsi snÄÄ, ni gyl mnÄÄki varaisi loosi tÄÄlt ” varaa loosi tÄstÄ (uusi asiakas) varaa loosi tÄstÄ (tunnukset olemassa)
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The leaders in RC car and truck innovation and design | LOSI
www.losi.comThis led to a surge in R/C racing popularity, and it wasn’t long before Losi put its focus on developing its first R/C car, the JRX2. The rest is history. Up to the early 2000s, the Losi brand was laser-focused on competitive R/C cars. One of the most iconic is the 8IGHT platform, which set the bar for the 1/8-scale racing industry.
Haku sanakirjasta: loosit - Ratkojat › ryhmittele › loositloosit. aitioita, aitiot, baareissakin, erillisiä, erotettuja, kutsuvieraille, muurariveljillä, osastoja, osastot, pöytäosastoja, rajattuja, ravintoloissa, ...
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