Etusivu - Linnanmaki
verkkokauppa.linnanmaki.fiLinnanmäellä on firmahupia! Ole työyhteisösi Kingi ja johdata joukkosi Linnanmäelle huvittelemaan yhdessä! Verkkokaupan hyllyiltä saat hulvattomat lipputuotteet helposti ja edullisesti. (Tilaukset väh. 15 huvittelijalle.)
Seattle Heart Failure Model - University of Washington › shfmThe Seattle Heart Failure Model (SHFM) is a calculator of projected survival at baseline and after interventions for patients with heart failure. SHFM is designed for use by health care providers knowledgeable in cardiac medicine. Patients should only use SHFM when their healthcare providers are present, such as at a doctor's office. Please ...
Frontpage | Linnanmäki › enFor the past decades the Children’s Day Foundation has been maintaining and developing Linnanmäki amusement park (opened in 1950) in order to raise funds for Finnish child welfare work. So far the Children’s Day Foundation has donated over 120 million euros to this important cause.