Lingua | Journal | by Elsevier › journal › linguaLingua is open to submissions, whether data-driven or theoretical, that contribute to our understanding of diverse linguistic constructs and communicative phenomena. Lingua is interested in both theoretical and empirical research problems, not restricted by disciplinary boundaries, which help linguists to develop linguistic theory and to better understand all mechanisms of language as a vehicle for communication. - Free tools for language learning - Free tools for language learning Learn languages for free! Our services will help you build the foundation of a new language or brush up on your skills in a previously acquired language that’s been out of practice. Our targeted, goal-based teaching methodologies provide an engaging, motivating environment.
lingua - Wiktionary › wiki › linguaJan 10, 2023 · lingua ( plural linguae or linguas ) ( anatomy) Synonym of tongue . quotations ( entomology) A median process of the labium, at the underside of the mouth in insects, and serving as a tongue. Related terms [ edit] lingua franca References [ edit] “ lingua ”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Anagrams [ edit] Gaulin, nilgau Galician [ edit]
Talen leren met in een stimulerende omgeving met de nieuwste technologie, thuis en onderweg, dat is Lingua. Wij bieden de mogelijkheid om op een prettige manier, en gratis, een taal te leren door middel van … - Aprender idiomas en línea › esEso es Aprende un idioma nuevo desde cero, amplía tus conocimientos o recupera habilidades ya adquiridas, mediante un entrenamiento orientado a objetivos, en un entorno motivador y con un método pedagógico que, gracias a la tecnología, te permitirá aprender allá donde estés. El aprendizaje de idiomas debe ser divertido y estar al alcance de todos.