Excel formula: Translate letters to numbers | Exceljet
exceljet.net › formulas › translate-letters-to-numbersTo translate letters in a string to numbers, you can use an array formula based on the TEXTJOIN and VLOOKUP functions, with a defined translation table to provide the necessary lookups. In the example shown, the formula in C5 is: {=TEXTJOIN("",1,VLOOKUP(T(IF(1,MID(B5,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B5))),1))),xtable,2,0))}
Letters To Numbers Chart - Numerology Base
numerologybase.com › letters-to-numbers-chartNov 19, 2020 · Letters to Numbers Chart. There are two main numerology letters to numbers charts that can be used to calculate the different numbers that are used in numerology. The Pythagorean numerology chart is used for Pythagorean numerology, Kabbalah numerology, Abracadabra numerology and New Kabbalah numerology. In the Pythagorean letters to numbers chart the letters of the alphabet are connected to one of nine letters.