Sentence Analysis - Latin Text Translator - Latin is Simple ... › en › analysis= every, everyone, everybody, comple… omne, omnis [n.] M Noun Nominative Pl. Accusative Pl. = all things (pl.), everything, a/th… hominēs homo, hominis [m.] C Noun Nominative Pl. Accusative Pl. = human homo, hominis [m.] I Noun Nominative Pl. Accusative Pl. Ablative Pl. = human being, man " Quī ea carmina pulcherrima audiverant ," Quī
Quick and comfortable Latin to English sentence translation › translator › latinMar 21, 2016 · The Latin sentence translator does various phrase and sentence translations. In case you need to translate something from one language into another, you can profit by its services and do it quickly, qualitatively and for free. The Latin to English sentence translator does unpaid work. And all this work takes him just 3 seconds. This tool is perfect for those who are looking for a good translator and dictionary because it will replace you both of them.