Etusivu | Lapin Kansa
https://www.lapinkansa.fiLapin Kansa on lappilaisten oma äänenkannattaja. Uutisia maakunnan joka kolkasta. Uutiset Etusivu ... Lapin väestö vähenee, vanhenee, keskittyy ja eriytyy ... Luppo Johtaminen Tilaajille Lappiin ...
Lapin Kansa | › en › 148665Lapin Kansa. Founded in 1928 as the mouthpiece for the precursor to the liberal Centre Party, Lapin Kansa has been politically independent since 1958. Its influence as an opinion-forming publication is confined to northern Finland. In 2012 it began publishing news in the North Sami language as well as in Finnish. It is printed in tabloid format.
Oregon State Fair - Oregon State Fair
oregonstatefair.orgThe Oregon State Fair recognizes that COVID-19 is unpredictable, and, if the need arises, will comply if any health and safety protocols are issued by the State of Oregon, Marion County, or the City of Salem, should they impact this year’s Fair.
Lapin Kansa - Wikipedia › wiki › Lapin_KansaHistory and profile [ edit] Lapin Kansa was established in 1928. [1] [2] The newspaper is based in Rovaniemi. [3] The owner of the paper is Alma Media. [3] [4] In June 2013 Kaleva publishing house began to publish the daily together with the group's other newspaper Pohjolan Sanomat. [4]