Kotka | Finland | Britannica
www.britannica.com › place › KotkaKotka, city, southeastern Finland, on two islands, Hovinsaari and Kotkansaari, at the mouth of the Kymi River on the Gulf of Finland, east-northeast of Helsinki. Kotkansaari was fortified by the Russians between 1790 and 1800, and its main fort was destroyed by a British fleet in 1855 during secondary operations of the Crimean War. Kotka was founded in 1878 and was greatly developed during the ...
Kotka - A national multi-purpose collection management system
biss.pensoft.net › article › 37179Jun 18, 2019 · Many natural history museums share a common problem: a multitude of legacy collection management systems (CMS) and the difficulty of finding a new system to replace them. Kotka is a CMS created by the Finnish Museum of Natural History (Luomus) to solve this problem. Its development started in late 2011 and was put into operational use in 2012. Kotka was first built to replace dozens of in ...
Tietotekniikka - Peda.net
peda.net › id › 90de5af6bTietotekniikan OPS 2016 Kuvaus oppiaineesta ja sen yleisistä tavoitteista Kurssien suoritusjärjestys Kurssien suoritusjärjestys on vapaavalintainen. Arvioinnin menetelmät ja käytänteet Arviointi perustuu työpajakurssien tapaan erilaisiin harjoituksiin sekä oppilaan itsearviointiin.
Kotka - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › KotkaThe rugby union team Griffins RFC Kotka playing in the Rugby-7 Tournament in 2013 The local football team is KTP. Founded in 1927, KTP has long, and successful football history. KTP won the Finnish football championship in 1951 and 1952, and Finnish Cup 4 times, in years 1958, 1961, 1967, and 1980.
Opetussuunnitelma Perusopetus - Peda.net
peda.net › id › 1d132668cKotkan kaupungin perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma (pdf-tiedosto) Yleinen tuntijako 1.8.2021 lukien (pdf-tiedosto) Musiikkipainotteisen opetuksen tuntijako 1.8.2021 lukien (pdf-tiedosto) Liikuntapainotteisen opetuksen tuntijako 1.8.2021 lukien (pdf-tiedosto) Kaksikielisen opetuksen tuntijako 1.8.2021 (pdf-tiedosto)