Korean Verbs – The Complete List | Koreabridge
10.5.2021 · These are regular verbs as they can be easily conjugated using the different Korean verb conjugations. This also applies to Korean adjectives. For example: 가다 (to go) – 가요. 보다 (to see) – 봐요. 배우다 (to learn) – 배워요. …
Korean Irregular Verb ㄹ Conjugation - Learn Korean
https://koreanly.com/korean-irregular-verb-ㄹ-conjugationKorean irregular verb ㄹ conjugation = 알다 (to know), 살다 (to live), 만들다 (to make), 놀다 (to play), 울다 (to cry), 팔다 (to sell), 열다 (to open), 불다 (to blow), 멀다, 달다, 길다