Kolmogorov's three-series theorem - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kolmogorov&Tools. In probability theory, Kolmogorov's Three-Series Theorem, named after Andrey Kolmogorov, gives a criterion for the almost sure convergence of an infinite series of random variables in terms of the convergence of three different series involving properties of their probability distributions. Kolmogorov's three-series theorem, combined ...
kolmosolut - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › kolmosolutkolmos- (“number three”) + olut (“beer”). Taxation of beer in Finland is based on alcoholic content. Until 1994, the taxation was based on excise tax brackets. The third bracket included beers with alcohol content between 3.7% and 4.7%, and it was marked with Roman numeral "III" on the label. The Roman numerals remained on the labels ...
nelosolut (Finnish): meaning, origin, translation ...
www.wordsense.eu › nelosolutnelosolut nelosolut (Finnish) Origin & history nelonen ("number four") + olut ("beer") - Taxation of beer in Finland is based on alcoholic content. Until 1994, the taxation was based on excise tax brackets. The strongest bracket was marked with Roman numeral "IV" on the label, and it included beers with more than 4.7% alcohol.
Keskiolut – Wikipedia
fi.wikipedia.org › wiki › KeskiolutVuodesta 1988 vuoteen 1994 veroluokan III-oluen vahvuus oli vähintään 3,8, mutta enintään 4,7 tilavuusprosenttia alkoholia. Laki tunsi myös II-veroluokan oluen, jonka alkoholipitoisuus oli 2,9 ja 3,7 tilavuusprosentin välillä, mutta sellaista ei Suomessa valmistettu. Alkoholiverolaki tuli voimaan 1994. Tällä lailla kumottiin oluen veroluokat.