Kokoomus.fi - Vaikuta
https://www.kokoomus.fi/vaikutaKokoomus.fi / Vaikuta kokoomuksessa. Vaikuta kokoomuksessa. Vaikuta kokoomuksessa Tule puhumaan ja tekemään politiikkaa – osallistu verkostoihin ja vaikuta kokoomuksessa. Jäsenistössämme on suuresti sekä arjen että erityisalojen osaamista ja hyödyllistä hiljaista tietoa.
In English — Silva Mertsola | 306 | Kokoomus
www.silvamertsola.com › englishHelsinki is a geographically large city rich in culture and diversity. I believe that there is space for both families and a lively nightlife, for bicycles as well as cars. 1. The everyday life needs to work for everyone – we cannot compromise basic services like childcare, education, healthcare or elderly care.
National Coalition Party - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Coalition_PartyThe National Coalition Party is a liberal-conservative political party in Finland. Ideologically, the National Coalition Party is positioned on the centre-right on the political spectrum, and it has been described as liberal, conservative and liberal-conservative. Founded in 1918, the National Coalition Party is one of the "big three" parties that have dominated Finnish national politics for several decade…