Tunnista vaivasi - Klinik.fi
https://klinik.fiKlinik Access ratkaisu terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille Tunnista vaivasi tästä Aloita koskettamalla vaivasi sijaintia Mikä on Klinik.fi Klinik on verkkopalvelu, joka auttaa tunnistamaan ja hoitamaan erilaisia oireita sekä löytämään sopivimman terveysasiantuntijan luo tilanteessa kuin tilanteessa. Lue tarinamme › Tunnista vaivasi Terveys- palvelut
Contact your GP online - Klinik
info.klinikhealthcaresolutions.com › klinik-forKlinik makes contacting your GP quick and easy Patients can now get online access to GPs, providing the same service as we deliver via phone, but quicker. Klinik Access online consultation and appointment solution means you can submit any medical query, including requests for an appointment, at a time when it suits you.
Medical Triage Software - Klinik
https://klinikhealthcaresolutions.com/benefitsKlinik Access Delivers Cutting Edge AI Klinik Medical AI engine automatically recognises over 1000 symptoms and conditions including mental health and complex paediatric conditions. Happy Staff Klinik reduces the burden on frontline staff, giving them the opportunity to review patient cases in an environment of calm and low stress.
Klinik Access
https://www.yorkmedicalgroup.co.uk/pages/klinikymg.aspxIf you have an urgent issue outside these times please contact 111 or 999, but we will only process them during our working hours 8am -6pm Monday to Friday not including Bank Holidays. You can also still call us on the phone or attend our surgeries between 8 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday to access our care, not including bank holidays.
Klinik Access | Roxbourne Medical Centre
roxbournemc.com › klinik-accessKlinik Access 29/04/2020 As of 30th April 2020, the Practice launched a new software solution called ‘Klinik Access.’ The software is available 24/7 and will allow you to submit your request for an appointment or to send other enquiries without needing to call the Practice. The link can be accessed via smartphone, tablet or PC.
Klinik Access | Roxbourne Medical Centre
https://roxbournemc.com/klinik-accessKlinik Access 29/04/2020 As of 30th April 2020, the Practice launched a new software solution called ‘Klinik Access.’ The software is available 24/7 and will allow you to submit your request for an appointment or to send other enquiries without needing to call the Practice. The link can be accessed via smartphone, tablet or PC.