Kesko › enKesko provides trading sector services in seven countries. For Kesko and K-stores, responsibility is part of our everyday work that helps customers make good choices. Read more. Kesko in brief. Responsibility. Annual Report 2022. K Code of Conduct. Tracing Our Products.
https://www.kesko.fiVerkkoTERVETULOA OSTOKSILLE. K-ryhmässä on noin 1 800 kauppaa seitsemässä maassa. Paikallisen K-kauppiasyrittäjän puoleen voit aina kääntyä ja kertoa, miten parantaa …
Kesko in brief › en › companyKesko is a Finnish listed trading sector company. Kesko operates in the grocery trade, the building and technical trade and the car trade. Its divisions and chains act in close cooperation with retailer entrepreneurs and other partners. Kesko has approximately 1,800 stores engaged in chain operations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia ...
Kesko - Wikipedia › wiki › KeskoKesko Corporation (Finnish: Kesko Oyj, Swedish: Kesko Abp) is a Finnish retailing conglomerate with its head office in Kalasatama, Helsinki. It is engaged in the grocery trade, building and technical trade, and car trade. It also has operations in Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.