Karl von Habsburg - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Karl_von_HabsburgKarl von Habsburg (given names: Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam; born 11 January 1961) is an Austrian politician and the head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, therefore being a claimant to the defunct Austro-Hungarian thrones. As a citizen of the Republic of Austria, his legal name is Karl Habsburg-Lothringen. [1]
House of Habsburg - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_HabsburgThe origins of Habsburg Castle's name are uncertain. There is disagreement on whether the name is derived from the High German Habichtsburg (hawk castle), or from the Middle High German word hab/hap meaning ford, as there is a river with a ford nearby. The first documented use of the name by the dynasty itself has been traced to the year 1108. The Habsburg name was not continuously used by the family members, since they often emphasiz…
A Fortune loses its owners – Habsburg assets after 1918
www.habsburger.net › en › chapterThe Habsburgs’ assets were a matter Austria had to deal with even after the end of the Monarchy. In 1919 a special Habsburg law was passed, which a year later was given constitutional status. It laid down which of the Habsburgs’ assets were to be transferred to the new state. Ultimately it was Emperor Karl who was responsible for this law, as he had rescinded his renunciation