Tokyo National Museum - Wikipedia › wiki › Tokyo_National_MuseumThe Tokyo National Museum or TNM is an art museum in Ueno Park in the Taitō ward of Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the four museums operated by the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, is considered the oldest national museum in Japan, is the largest art museum in Japan, and is one of the largest art museums in the world. The museum collects, preserves, and displays a comprehensive collection of artwork and cultural objects from Asia, with a focus on ancient and medieval Japanese art and ...
Suomen kansallismuseo – Wikipedia › wiki › Suomen_kansallismuseoSuomen kansallismuseo on valtakunnallinen kulttuurihistorian museo, joka vastaa Kansallismuseon lisäksi Hvitträskin, Hämeen linnan, Langinkosken, Louhisaaren, Olavinlinnan, Seurasaaren ulkomuseon, Suomen merimuseon, Tamminiemen ja Vankilan toiminnasta. Kansallismuseo esittelee Suomen historiaa kivikaudelta nykypäivään esinekulttuurin avulla. Suomen kansallismuseo on osa opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön alaista Museovirastoa. Suomen kansallismuseolla on noin puolen miljoonan esineen ...
Museums and Castles - The National Museum of Finland › enThe opening hours, prices and contact information for each museum and castle are shown in the museum specific information. Entrance tickets to the National Museum, Häme Castle and Olavinlinna Castle as well as during summertime to the Prison and Louhisaari Manor may also be purchased in advance at the museum's webshop. Safety guidelines.