www.kisco.coFor over 50 years the KISCO group of companies has been producing dyes, inks, fine chemicals and materials for textiles, food, agriculture and electronics. Our custom synthesis capabilities range from our dedicated research team in Seoul through to our large-scale production facilities in 11 plants across Korea and one in Turkey.
Kalliokoti - Mielle ry › kalliokotiKalliokotiin voit tulla asukkaaksi Vaasan kaupungin Aikuisten sosiaalityön kautta. Olemme mukana Kaikukortti-toiminnassa. Yhteystiedot Mäkikaivontie 5–7 E 47, 65100 Vaasa ( katso kartalla) Vastaava ohjaaja Tiina Tommer, p. 050 331 0395 Ohjaajat Tuija Korkia-Aho, p. 050 441 1991
kisco-india.comKISCO deals with a wide range of materials including composites, synthetic rubbers, resin additives, and thermoplastics extending from multipurpose resins to engineering plastics. The additional value we deliver goes beyond the evaluation, selection and supply of materials procured from around the world, and examples can be found in our molded ...
Sheet0 › toimipaikkarekisteri-topi › topi-haku859, 30734, 41, Kalliokoti, Makasiinintie 15, 25460, Kisko, 734, Salo, fi, 734, Salon kaupunki, 420,430, Autettu asuminen (keva),Ohjattu asuminen (keva).
Dyes - KISCO › business-area › dyesKISCO began its business with the aim of local production and exporting of dyes in 1971. Since establishing Korea’s first dye research centre, in 1980, KISCO steadily developed a variety of dyes solidifying KISCO’s position as a globally-recognised dye manufacturer. KISCO produces a full range of eco-friendly products that satisfy global ...
Ryhmäkotien yhteystiedot - Salo › sosiaali-ja-terveyspalvelut › vammaistenOct 13, 2022 · Artturi, Elmeri, Kalliokoti, loma-ajan hoito. Asumispalveluiden esimies Heli Saloranta 044 778 3524 Anjala, Karpalokoti, tukiasuminen, laitoshuolto. Kiertävä laitoshuoltaja 044 778 3568 050 465 2716. Anjala Haukkalankatu 1 A 24100 Salo 044 778 3532 044 778 3567. Artturi Isohärjänkatu 13 A 24240 Salo 044 778 3522. Kalliokoti Makasiinintie 15 25460 Kisko 044 778 3521
Kalliokoti - Mielle ry › en › kalliokotiKalliokoti offers you: a personal rehabilitation plan resource orientation a place to build social networks Contact information Mäkikaivontie 5–7 E 47, 65100 Vaasa Personnel’s email: Responsible instructor/advisor with supervisory duties Tiina Tommer, tel. +358 50 331 0395 Instructors/advisors