https://kahoot.itJoin a game of kahoot here. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
Business pricing - Kahoot!
We offer a free 7 day trial on the annual Kahoot! 360 Standard subscription. You can cancel at any time and your credit card won’t be charged until the trial expires. To start your trial, click the Free trial button on the Kahoot! 360 …
Welcome to Kahoot! Pro
Hey Kahoot!’er, you’re a pro now! Your trial is now activated, and you can test-drive all the awesome features for free. Wondering where to start? Here are a …
Kahoot! for schools: Plans and pricing
Buy now Try free trial. Trial duration: 7 days. Cancel trial at any time. Kahoot! Premium+ $9 per teacher per month $108 billed annually Become ... As a K-12 …