Occult Meaning of Jupiter – This Planet in Ancient and …
10.2.2019 · Jupiter signifies people holding high positions, like judges, senators, religious heads, scholars, highly-educated people, university students, lawyers, and wise middle-aged people. Jupiter can also represent advisers of all sorts, …
What the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Means in Different Houses
www.stellawilde.com › blog › jupiter-saturnThe next 20 years of an astrological life cycle begins as Jupiter conjuncts Saturn on December 21, 2020, at one degree Aquarius. Here's what the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction means in different houses of the astrology chart: ARIES - The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is happening in your eleventh house of networks, friendships, groups, hopes, and wishes. Finding and connecting with your tribe will be a focus for you the next 20 years; this change in associations will be due, in part, to the ...