Jump Scare Maze Game - Remixes - Scratch
scratch.mit.edu › projects › 73325900Jump Scare Maze Game » Remixes. AMAZING MAZE GAME IN SCRATCH by JETARA01. Jump Scare Maze Game remix by kahugh01. the awsome maze ( its aMAZEing) by pabroc01. PIG MAZE by rogarc01. scare maze by sierra watson. by SIWATS01. Jump Scare Maze Game remixed by ausoe01 by ausoen01. sport edition maze game by xaherr01.
Scare Maze - Jumpscare Maze Prank Game
scaremaze.comJumpscare Maze Prank Game. Make sure to hide this instruction window before you ask your victim to play the game and consider activating full screen mode with F11 button to hide the browser bar. Click the Start button with your mouse to get started and turn your mouse pointer into a square.