Etusivu - Himos Juhannus
https://himosjuhannus.fi24.6.2022 · Etusivu - Himos Juhannus Himos Juhannus juhlitaan 22.- 24.6.2023 Liput The Juhannuksen ensimmäinen artisti on julkaistu! Antti Tuisku tekee uransa toistaiseksi viimeisen juhannusfestivaalikeikan Himoksella 2023! …
STADIN JUHANNUS 2022 – INFORMATION IN ENGLISH › englishSTADIN JUHANNUS 2022 – INFORMATION IN ENGLISH. Stadin Juhannus returns to the idyllic island of Lonna on 24–25th June after a long wait! The event is now sold out. Tickets for the afterparty events are available. Please scroll down for practical information about the event. ~ PROGRAM. Please see the program details and links on the main page. ~
Juhannus (Midsummer) 2023 in Finland - Dates › to › finlandJan 20, 2022 · Juhannus is the largest traditional summer celebration in Finland. Long days and midnight sun are beloved in Nordic countries, and this is the time to celebrate the longest and the brightest day of the year and the real beginning of the summer season. Finnish "Nightless night" as it is also called, is occupied by many beliefs and magical stories. This is the night when witches, fairies, and elves come to the human world to tease them and predict their future.
Juhannus: Midsummer in Finland - Big In Finland › juhannus-midsummer-finlandJun 18, 2014 · Juhannus is the longest day of the year. You can say that this is the second biggest holiday – head to head with Vappu – for the Finns, after Christmas. The longest day of the year, Juhannus, looks exactly like this. It is time to get payback for enduring a long, cold and dark winter – the ying and yang (you can see the spectacular difference of the amount of light between summer and winter in Finland in this time lapse video ).