Juhannus 2020 - Pyhäpäivät
pyhäpäivät.fi › juhannusVuonna 2020 juhannusaatto on perjantaina 19.6 ja juhannuspäivä lauantaina 20.6. Juhannusaatto ei ole virallinen pyhäpäivä, mutta juhannuspäivä on virallinen pyhäpäivä. Juhannuksen vietto alkaa usein jo torstaina.
Juhannus (Midsummer) 2020 - June Festival | Matzuri.com
www.matzuri.com › juhannus-midsummerJun 02, 2018 · Juhannus or Midsummer is the most anticipated holiday in Finland. It is very probable that you also celebrate Midsummer in your country or something similar to it. However, in Finland, the celebration goes way different from what you may expect. Officially Juhannus can be called Midsummer, Nightless Night, White Night, unofficially it is known as the Finnish Madness, the Sauna-And-Beer-Day or Cottage Party Day.
Juhannus (Midsummer) 2023 in Finland - Dates
rove.me › to › finlandJan 20, 2022 · Juhannus is the largest traditional summer celebration in Finland. Long days and midnight sun are beloved in Nordic countries, and this is the time to celebrate the longest and the brightest day of the year and the real beginning of the summer season. Finnish "Nightless night" as it is also called, is occupied by many beliefs and magical stories. This is the night when witches, fairies, and elves come to the human world to tease them and predict their future.