Jorvi Hospital | HUS › jorvi-hospital09 4711. Jorvi Hospital is part of HUS Helsinki University Hospital. In the hospital, we treat surgical, psychiatric, pediatric, obstetric, pulmonary, neurological and internal medicine patients. The hospital has several specialist medical care outpatient clinics, as well as operations to support examinations and care. Visiting hours vary by unit.
Jorvin sairaala | HUS › potilaalle › sairaalat-ja-toimipisteet09 4711. Jorvin sairaala. Jorvin yhteispäivystys. Lasten päivystys. Käyntiohjeet. Osastot ja poliklinikat. Jorvin sairaala on osa HUS Helsingin yliopistollista sairaalaa. Sairaalassa hoidamme kirurgisia, psykiatrisia, lastentautien, synnytysten, keuhkosairauksien, neurologian ja sisätautien potilaita. Sairaalassa on useita erikoisalojen ...
Joint Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital | HUS › en › patientIn the Joint Outpatient Clinic of Jorvi Hospital, we treat residents of Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi in pulmonary diseases, neurology, general internal medicine, endocrinology, cardiology, gastroenterology, obesity, and rheumatology. Treatment at the outpatient clinic requires a referral.
Jorvi Emergency Department | HUS › jorvi-emergency-departmentThe Jorvi Emergency Department serves residents of Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi who are over 16 years of age. In urgent cases, we provide treatment regardless of a person’s domicile. In cases of sudden illness or minor injuries, the local health center is the principal place of treatment. The health center emergency clinic in Jorvi is ...
Jorvi Hospital | City of Espoo › en › projectsJorvi Hospital. New construction is being planned for the Jorvi hospital area. The objective of the amendment to the local detailed plan is to secure the development and preservation of hospital activities, the necessary expansion and the modernisation of the current spaces. City Council has approved the plan 22.8.2022.