Julius Röntgen | 1855-1932
www.juliusrontgen.nl › enJulius Röntgen was a talented and productive composer. His extensive oeuvre of over 600 compositions include symphonies, concerts, chamber music for many different ensembles, songs, choral works and operas.
Järvenpään röntgen | HUS
www.hus.fi › potilaalle › sairaalat-ja-toimipisteetJun 25, 2023 · Järvenpään röntgenissä teemme tavalliset röntgentutkimukset eli luuston ja keuhkojen kuvaukset ilman ajanvarausta. Teemme myös ultraäänitutkimuksia ajanvarauksella. Sijaitsemme Järvenpään sosiaali- ja terveyskeskuksessa (JUST) 1. kerroksessa. Samasta kerroksesta löydät myös laboratorion.
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | Biography, Discovery, X-Rays ...
www.britannica.com › biography › Wilhelm-RontgenWilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Röntgen also spelled Roentgen, (born March 27, 1845, Lennep, Prussia [now Remscheid, Germany]—died February 10, 1923, Munich, Germany), physicist who received the first Nobel Prize for Physics, in 1901, for his discovery of X-rays, which heralded the age of modern physics and revolutionized diagnostic medicine ...
Roentgen (unit) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Roentgen_(unit)The roentgen or röntgen (/ ˈ r ɜː n t ɡ ə n /; symbol R) is a legacy unit of measurement for the exposure of X-rays and gamma rays, and is defined as the electric charge freed by such radiation in a specified volume of air divided by the mass of that air (statcoulomb per kilogram).