Opiskelijan verkkopalvelut | Jamk
www.jamk.fi › fi › opiskelijalleMicrosoftin Office 365-pilvipalvelu tarjoaa sähköpostin lisäksi kalenterin, pikaviestinnän, keskitetyn tallennuspaikan omille tiedostoille, ryhmätyöskentelytilan, sekä useiden Office-toimistosovellusten verkkoversiot. Siirry Office 365 -palveluun Peppi Peppi on Jamkin opiskelija- ja opintotietojärjestelmä.
o365 | Helpdesk and Instructions
helpdesk.jamk.fi › en › tagPrimary Menu To New Users Remote access services Eduroam – Wlan Roaming Service Remote desktop connections and software Username and password Changing your password Creating a password Login problems? User account locked -error message? Username/password is not correct? What is my username Email services and Office365
Student Online Services | Jamk
www.jamk.fi › en › for-studentsIn addition to email, Microsoft's Office 365 cloud service provides calendar, instant messaging, centralised storage for your documents, collaboration space, and online versions of multiple Office applications. Office 365 Service Peppi Peppi is Jamk's student and study information system.