investors.tecnotree.com › en › investorsThe estimates provided on this page are independent and impartial opinions of Inderes. Tecnotree cannot influence the content of these analyses or the reliability of the information they contain. The information should not under any circumstances be regarded as investment advice. Analysts. Roni Peuranheimo Inderes Oyj roni.peuranheimo@inderes.fi
Tecnotree | Inderes: Osakeanalyysit, mallisalkku ...
www.inderes.fi › fi › yhtiotTecnotree on vuonna 1978 perustettu kansainvälisesti operoiva ja teleoperaattoreiden palvelemiseen keskittynyt IT-ratkaisutoimittaja. Asiakkailleen Tecnotree tarjoaa pilvipohjaisia järjestelmiä nykyisten tuotteiden, asiakkaiden ja laskutuksen hallintaan, näiden taustalla olevien prosessien digitalisoimisiin sekä asiakkaan kokeman arvon kasvattamiseen.
Senttiosake Tecnotree saa Inderesiltä ostosuosituksen
www.salkunrakentaja.fi › 2021 › 03Mar 30, 2021 · Inderes pitää Tecnotreen tarjolla olevaa tuotto-riski -suhdetta erittäin houkuttelevana. Inderes antaa Tecnotreen osakkeelle ostosuosituksen. Osakkeen tavoitehinta on 0,68 euroa. Osake kipusi tänään lähes 14 prosenttia 0,64 euroon noin kello 14.00 mennessä. Syynä mitä ilmeisimmin on Inderesin antama ostosuositus ja osakkeen seurannan ...
investors.tecnotree.com › en › investorsTecnotree is a globally operating supplier of turnkey BSS solutions. The entire industry has typically been examined in a way that BSS and OSS solutions (Operations Support Systems) form one market. Thus, our relevant target market is also justified to be examined through the entire OSS/BSS framework even though we are positioned to a great ...
www.tecnotree.com › wp-content › uploadsTecnotree Company report 5/31/2021 07:50 Joonas Korkiakoski +358 40 182 8660 joonas.korkiakoski@inderes.fi Inderes corporate customer This report is a summary translation of the report “Tuloskasvua horisontissa” published on 05/31/2021 at 7:50 am
IndusTREE - Timber, Logging, Properties & Manufacturing | Alabama
itreeco.comThe IndusTREE Timber, Logging, Manufacturing, and Properties divisions—can handle all forest industry operations, from basic land management to high volume lumber and railroad cross-tie output. The IndusTREE Advantage comes from vertical integration at all levels of the forest products industry supply chain—giving IndusTREE deeper insight ...
investors.tecnotree.comTecnotree is the only full-stack digital BSS provider with over 40 years of deep domain knowledge, proven delivery and transformation capability across the globe. en / fi Go to tecnotree.com
www.tecnotree.com › wp-content › uploadsTecnotree is a globally operating IT solution supplier that focuses on serving telecom operators. To its customers, the company offers cloud-based systems it has developed to manage current products, customers, and invoicing, to digitize the underlaying processes, and gradually modify their business models.