Nordea Bank | Inderes: Osakeanalyysit, mallisalkku ... › fi › yhtiotYhtiötä seuraa 21426 sijoittajaa 2250621 23.177 milj. EUR 10.16 EUR / 10.37 EUR MARKKINA-ARVO 37.46 mrd EUR Yhtiö ei ole tällä hetkellä seurannassamme. Yhtiö lyhyesti Nordea on vuonna 1997 perustettu yleispankki, joka tarjoaa kattavia palveluja. Nordealla on toimipaikka 20 maassa, mukaan lukien Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Tanskassa ja Norjassa.
www.inderes.dkThe SaaS HCA Index, measured on a simple ARR multiple (median) across 19 listed Danish SaaS companies, declined to 4.2x ARR by the end of December 2022 from 4.6x ARR by the end of November 2022. Note the index shows the development over time for the sector, using the latest reported ARR numbers (which differ between the companies), and almost all companies have been tracked for at least a year (the latest SaaS IPO was in December 2021).
Consensus estimates | Nordea › en › investorsConsensus estimates | Nordea Consensus estimates Home Investors Share Consensus estimates We wanted to show you external content but you cannot see it as you have not enabled marketing cookies Click here to update your consent Share this page Find out more Shareholders Here you can find a list of Nordea's largest shareholders.
Nordea - Inderes › en › companiesNordea conducts banking operations. The bank offers a wide range of financial services, aimed at both private and corporate customers, including traditional asset management, loan financing, and pension savings. In addition, advice and security insurance are also offered, as well as currency management.
Nordea - Inderes › companies › NordeaNordea har de største aktiviteter i de nordiske og baltiske lande. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1997 og har sit hovedkontor i Helsinki. Omsætning 98,6 mia. EBIT % 51,31 % P/E 9,81 Udbytteafkast, % 7,39 % Kursmål - Anbefaling - Opdateret - NASDAQ Stockholm NDA SE Daglig lav / høj pris 94,94 / 96,38 SEK Markedsværdi 355,34 mia. SEK Aktieomsætning
Nordea Bank | Inderes: Osakeanalyysit, mallisalkku ... › en › yhtiotNordea Bank 10.64 EUR +1.80% This company is followed by 21452 investors 5702743 60.293 milj. EUR DAILY LOW / HIGH PRICE 10.40 EUR / 10.64 EUR 38.87 mrd EUR We do not currently provide our insight into this company. Company briefly Nordea is the largest financial services group in the Nordic region and one of the biggest banks in Europe Analyst