Fortum - › companies › FortumFortum är verksamma inom energisektorn. Utöver tillhandahållandet av el till allmänheten erbjuds ett flertal tekniska lösningar inom värmeoptimering och appar som används för att hålla koll på energiförbrukningen, samt laddningsstationer för elbilar. Störst verksamhet återfinns runtom den nordiska marknaden.
Fortum - Inderes › companies › FortumFortum is active in the energy sector. In addition to the provision of electricity, a number of technical solutions are offered in heat optimization as well as apps that are used to keep track of energy consumption. The company also provides charging stations for electric cars. The largest activity is found around the Nordic market. The company was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Espoo.
Fortum - › en › companiesFortum is active in the energy sector. In addition to the provision of electricity, a number of technical solutions are offered in heat optimization as well as apps that are used to keep track of energy consumption. The company also provides charging stations for electric cars. The largest activity is found around the Nordic market.