Iltalehti - Wikipedia › wiki › IltalehtiIn 2008 Iltalehti was the third largest newspaper in Finland. [16] Of tabloid newspapers, the paper had a market share of 40% and its biggest (and only) rival Ilta-Sanomat had a market share of 60% in 2008. [16] Its circulation was 122,548 copies in 2008 and it dropped to 112,778 copies in 2009. [17] It was 107,052 copies in 2010 [17] and ...
Iltalehti | IL - Suomen suurin uutispalvelu
www.iltalehti.fiOct 06, 2022 · Uutiset, urheilu, viihde, talous, sää, terveys, ruoka, matkailu, autot ja tyyli – Iltalehti, kaikki tuoreet uutiset yhdestä osoitteesta kellon ympäri!
Ilta-Sanomat - Wikipedia › wiki › Ilta-SanomatThe circulation of Ilta-Sanomat was 161,615 copies in 2008 and 152,948 copies in 2009. It was 150,351 copies in 2010 and 143,321 copies in 2011. In 2010 the online version of Ilta-Sanomat was the second most visited website in Finland in 2010 and was visited by 1,823,956 people per week. Editors-in-chief. Johanna Lahti 2019–
Ilta-Sanomat | › en › 148580Ilta-Sanomat. IIta Sanomat is Finland's leading tabloid and was founded in 1932 as a result of the Mäntsälä rebellion in which the right-wing extremist Lapua Movement tried to overthrow the government. Until 1949 it followed the lead of Helsingin Sanomat, which comes from the same publisher, in its reporting.