Jun 19, 2022 · The controllers have an ILoggerFactory injected in the constructor. How does one Moq this up for testing? I have tried mocking a Logger for the controller class, and then mocking up CreateLogger to return the mock Logger, but I keep getting various test runtime NullReferenceExceptions when the LogInformation() function is called.
The controllers have an ILoggerFactory injected in the constructor. How does one Moq this up for testing? I have tried mocking a Logger for the controller class, and then mocking up CreateLogger to return the mock Logger, but I keep getting various test runtime NullReferenceExceptions when the LogInformation() function is called.
[Test] public void Test () { var mockLoggerFactory = new Mock (); var mockedILogger = new Mock (); mockLoggerFactory.Setup (lf=> lf.Create ()).Returns …
Feb 17, 2017 · It is designed as a logging API that developers can use to capture built-in ASP.NET logging as well as for their own custom logging. The logging API supports multiple output providers and is extensible to potentially be able to send your application logging anywhere. Other logging frameworks like NLog and Serilog have even written providers for it.
Feb 6, 2020 · It has a logger dependency in the constructor and then the LogDebug method is called in the RunMe method. Simple and straight forward. Having an ILogger passed into the constructor is a popular pattern when using dependency injection. All the code for this post can be found on my github repository.
Jul 21, 2017 · The controllers have an ILoggerFactory injected in the constructor. How does one Moq this up for testing? I have tried mocking a Logger for the controller class, and then mocking up CreateLogger to return the mock Logger, but I keep getting various test runtime NullReferenceExceptions when the LogInformation() function is called.
I am trying to write some unit tests for controller actions. To do that, I am using XUnit and Moq. The controllers have an ILoggerFactory injected in the ...
The controllers have an ILoggerFactory injected in the constructor. How does one Moq this up for testing? I have tried mocking a Logger for the controller class, …
Verkkoscore:0. For anyone that simply wants to provide some logger so that you can debug your code via the console, you can create a simple ILoggerFactory like so: var …
Jan 19, 2022 · ILoggerFactory is a factory interface that we can use to create instances of the ILogger type and register logging providers. It acts as a wrapper for all the logger providers registered to it and a logger it creates can write to all the logger providers at once. That said, let’s inspect the ILoggerFactory definition:
VerkkoTo mock an ILogger<T> object, we can use Moq library to instantiate a new Mock<ILogger<T>>() object. Make sure you have installed the latest Moq package …
Apr 15, 2017 · You probably will need to install Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions package to use ILogger<T>. Moreover you can create a real logger: var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection () .AddLogging () .BuildServiceProvider (); var factory = serviceProvider.GetService<ILoggerFactory> (); var logger = factory.CreateLogger<BlogController> ();
VerkkoOnly use ILogger or ILoggerFactory in your implementations. Avoid making direct API calls to the logging library Use an off-the-shelf library. Don't create a class that …