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Ikano Bank - Ikano Group › stories › ikano-bank-financial-resultsOperating in Russia, the Bank offers consumer loans to IKEA stores and MEGA shopping centre customers as well as other financial services to the many people. 204 co-workers are employed at Ikano Bank LLC and the head office is located in Moscow, Russia. Take me back to Facts & figures 2021 Ikano Bank Ingka is the new co-owner of Ikano Bank
Ikano Bank
bank.ikanoIkano Bank Financial services for consumers and businesses A bank for the many people We create possibilities for better living by offering simple, fair and affordable services, enabling a healthy economy for the many people. Our offer to consumers includes private label cards, credit cards, savings, mortgages and loans.
Ikano Bank
ikanobank.fiVerkkoTervetuloa Ikano Bankiin! Leasing yrityksille Haluatko investoida kalustoon tai laitteisiin …
Ikano Bank | Savings | Loans | Store cards | Ikano Bank Bank is the proud provider of IKEA Finance Services 0% interest free credit available at IKEA Borrow up to £15,000 to spend in-store and online. Find out more *Credit subject to status and affordability checks. Terms and conditions apply. Store cards Savings Loan FAQs Save more Fixed and easy access savings accounts