INXBASE - MedBase › fi › professionalsINXBASE-tietokanta levitetään portaalina Terveysportissa, minkä lisäksi se integroitu useimpiin sähköisiin potilasjärjestelmiin ja Duodecimin päätöksen tukeen (EBMeDS). Reseptiä kirjoitettaessa tai toimitettaessa INXBASE mahdollistaa turvallisen potilaskohtaisen lääkityksen valitsemisen ja neuvoo tarkoituksen mukaisen lääkityksen ...
MediDss Farma - Apps on Google Play › store › appsJan 28, 2022 · Drug-drug interactions. Based on Medbase's InxBase database which contains concise and validated information on the interactions of over 21,000 substance pairs. They provide guidance and warnings about potential drug interactions; offers medical advice on how to avoid and control them.
Drug interactions › en-us › databasesInxbase is a drug interaction database, which contains a short, concise and evidence-based information on more than 16 000 drug interactions. Inxbase also covers clinically most relevant interactions between drugs and food or natural products. All interactions are described at the level of generic drug and Inxbase even takes into account the ...
INXBASE - MedBase › en › professionalsINXBASE is a drug-drug interaction database containing short, and concise evidence based information concerning consequences of and recommendations for over 20.000 drug interactions. The database can be easily integrated to health information systems or be accessible through portal solution, and can thus readily facilitate the process of safe ...
E-PRESCRIPTION SUCCESS - World Health Organization › iris › bitstreamINXBASE database 4 which provides checks for interactions and displays respective notifications. The alerts for different DDIs are divided according to clinical significance and generated automatically for the user. Automatic information is also displayed when there are no interactions. 5 In addition to DDI alerts, e-prescription