The new 2021 IKEA US catalog is now available online - IKEA › us › enOct 26, 2020 · Conshohocken, PA (October 26, 2020) – IKEA U.S. announced today the release of the 2021 IKEA U.S. digital catalog. This year marks its 70 th birthday and to make it more special, IKEA has turned it into something that everyone can enjoy and find useful: a handbook for a better everyday life at home. Each page is filled with inspiration, hands-on tips, and small, affordable shifts to make your home cozier, smarter, more sustainable and more beautiful.
IKEA facts and figures FY21 › en › newsroomOct 14, 2021 · IKEA grows again. Today, Inter IKEA Group shares IKEA facts and figures for financial year 2021 (FY21). Total IKEA retail sales, including sales of services, amounted to EUR 41.9 billion. That’s 5.8% higher than FY20. The IKEA financial year runs from 1 September to 31 August.
IKEA-esitteet ja kuvastot - IKEA › fi › fiSanoimme hyvästit IKEA-kuvastolle! Netistä, IKEA-tavarataloista sekä suunnittelustudioista löydät silti loputtomasti ideoita kotiisi - luultavasti enemmän, kuin kuvastossa olisi koskaan ollut tilaa. Klikkaa itsesi inspiraatiosivuille ja tutustu kotikierroksiimme. Poimit niistä toimivat sisustusvinkit, jotka sopivat erikokoisiin ja -tyylisiin koteihin sekä joka lompakolle.
The IKEA Sustainability Report FY21 – some focus areas › en › sustainabilityThe IKEA Sustainability Report FY21 gives an overview of the progress towards the ambitions outlined in the People & Planet Positive Strategy leading up to 2030. Introduction. FY21 was a year of both challenges and important movements towards the IKEA 2030 commitments. Even though the effects of the pandemic continued, nearly all stores could be re-opened, and everyday life returned to something more familiar.