IELTS-kielitesti | Helsinki | Finnbrit › fi › ielts-kielitestiIELTS for UKVI -pistettä voidaan käyttää todistamaan englannin kielitaitosi Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan viisumi- ja maahanmuuttohakemuksen (UKVI) tueksi. IELTS-Life Skills testiä voidaan käyttää todistamaan englanninkieliset kuuntelu- ja puhetaitosi tukemaan Ison-Britannian perheviisumia tai asumisratkaisua.
Finland | Take IELTS - British Council › finlandIELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (Academic and General Training) IELTS Life Skills (A1 and B1) Make sure to check which test you need with the organisations you are applying to. If you need a visa for working or studying in the UK you may need to take IELTS for UKVI or IELTS Life Skills. What do I need to book a test? A valid ID (Passport or national ID card). When you register for your test, you will need to upload a clear scan of your ID.
IELTS practice test - International English Language Testing ... › usa › ielts-practice-testIELTS USA is pleased to offer a free IELTS practice test to test takers who register for IELTS in the USA! The practice test includes an overview of the test format with a variety of sample test questions and answers, to assist you in preparing for the real IELTS test. In addition, you will have the opportunity to time yourself as you take each section of the practice test, so you can prepare yourself for the real test day experience.