Lähdeviitteiden tarkoitus - Humakin lähdeviiteopas ...
humak.libguides.com › viittausopasOct 06, 2022 · Loppuviitteet, joissa tekstiin merkitään yläindeksi asianomaiseen viittauskohtaan ja viitteet kootaan koko tekstin loppuun omaksi luettelokseen. Humakissa käytetään ensisijaisesti tekstiviitteitä, ja tämä ohjeistus on laadittu tekstiviitemerkintöjä varten. Samaa käytäntöä noudatetaan läpi koko tekstin, eikä sitä voi vaihtaa kesken kaiken.
Red Rock Medical Group - Red Rock Medical Center
redrockmedical.comThe Red Rock Medical Group, founded by Rachakonda D. Prabhu, M.D., was originally established as a small group specializing in pulmonology (lungs), known as “The Lung Institute”. It gradually grew to include multiple specialties including nephrology (kidneys), gastroenterology (stomach and colon), and neurology (brain and nerves).
State of Nevada
nv.govYour Government Officials (Links open in a new windows) State Senators State Assembly Members Supreme Court of Nevada.
Humak - Humak University of Applied Sciences
www.humak.fi › en › humakHumak is an entity, a national cluster of expertise which serves its fields in the entire Finland and also internationally. Humak’s vision is to be a international and social university, engaged in the development of a fair and communal Finland. Our mission is to provide participation, social wellbeing and communality. We create information, competence and expertise in our fields.
Las Vegas - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Las_VegasLas Vegas ( US: / lɑːsˈveɪɡəs /; Spanish for "The Meadows"), often known simply as Vegas, is the 25th-most populous city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada, and the county seat of Clark County. The city anchors the Las Vegas Valley metropolitan area and is the largest city within the greater Mojave Desert. [6]
Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu (Humak)
www.humak.fiHumak Ilkantie 4 00400 HELSINKI kirjaamo(at)humak.fi. Puhelinpalvelut ma-to klo 13-15: Hakijapalvelut: +358 29 451 9300 hakijapalvelut(at)humak.fi. Opintotoimisto +358 29 451 9253 opintotoimisto(at)humak.fi. Avoin amk +358 29 451 9230 avoinamk(at)humak.fi. Y-tunnus: 1474763-1 Verkkolaskutusosoite