hotellin vastaanottovirkailija in English - Finnish-English Dictionary ...
Tuhansia suomalaisia matkustaa Unkariin katsomaan Mika Häkkisen ajoa, vietnamilaisen hotellin vastaanottovirkailija kysyy oikeata tapaa ääntää Jari Litmasen nimi. Thousands of Finnish people travel to Hungary to see Mika Häkkinen drive, while a Vietnamese hotel receptionist asks the right way to pronounce the name Jari Litmanen.
Käännös 'vastaanottovirkailija' – Sanakirja englanti-Suomi ... › fi › enWhile the work of a receptionist can as such be performed just as well with a headscarf as without one, one of the conditions of carrying out that work may nonetheless be compliance with the dress code laid down by the employer (e.g. the obligation to wear work attire or a uniform and the ban, if any, on wearing visible religious, political or philosophical symbols), in which case the employee ...