Hotelli Punkaharju - Visit Saimaa › en › charms-of-saimaaThe restaurant of Hotel Punkaharju is an unforgettable experience; visitors are treated to a versatile plate of nature´s delicacies and products of the nearby producers. Mushroom dishes are the speciality of the hotel, and Saimi Hoyer is known as a passionate mushroom picker and an expert in the field. Hotel Punkaharju is one of the four ...
Hotelli Punkaharju - Visit Savonlinna › en › shopsHotel Punkaharju provides 11 unique and comfortable rooms, renovated in a way that pays homage to the hotel’s decades-long history and the beauty of the building and its natural surroundings. In addition spending a night in any of our 12 Forest Cabins set amidst majestic pines on the beautiful protected peninsula, makes for a memorable ...
Hotelli Punkaharju - Punkaharju - 100syytä.fi › kohde › hotelli-punkaharjuSep 02, 2022 · Hotelli Punkaharjulla toteutuu kotimainen “eat pray love” -matka. Kauniin harjutien varrella Saimaalla siintää herkullisen värinen villa, jonka ei uskoisi aiemmin toimineen metsänvartijan talona. Tyylillä entisöity vanha rakennus on mainetta ja palkintoja niittänyt Hotelli Punkaharju, jonka antimet ruokkivat niin kulttuurisielua kuin ...