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Hockey Wikipedia

ICE Hockey League – Wikipedia
VerkkoÖsterreichische Eishockey-Liga eli win2day ICE Hockey League (ICE) on korkein Itävallassa pelattava jääkiekon sarjataso. Nykymuotoinen liiga muodostettiin vuonna …
NHL – Wikipedia
NHL (engl. National Hockey League, ransk. Ligue nationale de hockey, LNH, suom. kirjaimellisesti Kansallinen jääkiekkoliiga) on jääkiekon ammattilaisliiga, jota pelataan Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa. Liigan 32 seurasta 25 on yhdysvaltalaisia ja seitsemän kanadalaisia. NHL:ää pidetään yleisesti maailman tasokkaimpana jääkiekkoliigana. NHL on liikevaihdoltaan maailman viidenneksi vaurain ammattilaisliiga NFL:n, MLB:n, NBA:n, sekä Englannin Valioliigan jä…
NHL - Wikipedia › wiki › NHL
Ligue nationale de hockey, LNH, suom. kirjaimellisesti Kansallinen jääkiekkoliiga) on jääkiekon ammattilaisliiga, jota pelataan Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa.
Ice hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › Ice...
Ice hockey (or simply hockey) is a team sport played on ice skates, usually on an ice skating rink with lines and markings specific to the sport.
Ice hockey at the Olympic Games - Wikipedia › wiki › Ice...
Ice hockey tournaments have been staged at the Olympic Games since 1920. The men's tournament was introduced at the 1920 Summer Olympics and was transferred ...
National Hockey League - Wikipedia › wiki › National_Hockey_League
The National Hockey League (NHL; French: Ligue nationale de hockey—LNH, French pronunciation: [liɡ nasjɔnal də ɔkɛ]) is a professional ice hockey league in North America comprising 32 teams—25 in the United States and 7 in Canada.
Ice hockey - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › Ice_hockey
Ice hockey is a sport that is played by two teams on ice. The players wear ice skates on their feet and can skate across the ice at very high speeds. They hold hockey sticks, which they use to push, shoot or pass a puck around the ice. The players score by shooting the puck into a net; the goaltenders try to stop them.
HIFK Hockey – Wikipedia
VerkkoHIFK Hockey ( Idrottsföreningen Kamraterna, Helsingfors) on helsinkiläisen urheiluseura HIFK :n jääkiekkojaosto, jonka edustusjoukkue pelaa jääkiekon SM-liigassa. HIFK on …
Finland men's national ice hockey team - Wikipedia › wiki › Finl...
Finland is one of the most successful national ice hockey teams in the world and a member of the so-called "Big Six", the unofficial group of the six strongest ...
Hockey - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VerkkoHockey is a type of sport in which players try to get points by hitting an object into the other team's goal with a stick. Others believe hockey came from the French word …
National Hockey League - Wikipedia › wiki › Nati...
The National Hockey League is a professional ice hockey league in North America comprising 32 teams—25 in the United States and 7 in Canada.
American Hockey League – Wikipedia
VerkkoAmerican Hockey League eli AHL on Pohjois-Amerikassa pelattava jääkiekon ammattilaissarja.. Sarjassa on 32 joukkuetta. Jokaisen joukkueen täytyy olla jonkin …
Hockey - Wikipedia
Hockey is a term used to denote a family of various types of both summer and winter team sports which originated on either an outdoor field, sheet of ice, or dry floor such as in a gymnasium. While these sports vary in specific rules, numbers of players, apparel, and playing surface, they share broad … Näytä lisää
Hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › Hoc...
Hockey is a term used to denote a family of various types of both summer and winter team sports which originated on either an outdoor field, sheet of ice, ...
Hockey – Wikipedia
VerkkoWikisanakirjassa on tähän liittyvä sananselitys: hockey. Hockey voi tarkoittaa seuraavia: Hockey, yhdysvaltalainen yhtye tiettyjen mailapelien ryhmänimitys, kuten: [1] …
Maahockey - Wikipedia › wiki › Maahockey
Maahockey on erilaisten hockey-pelien kuten jääpallon ja jääkiekon kantalaji, ja sillä on myös useita sisarlajeja. Kepeillä ja palloilla on pelattu jo yli ...
Field hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › Fiel...
Field hockey (or simply hockey) is a team sport structured in standard hockey format, in which each team plays with eleven players in total, made up of ten ...
NHL Hockey – Wikipedia
VerkkoNHL Hockey on EA Sportsin julkaisema NHL -pelisarjan ensimmäinen osa, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1991. Pelissä on NHL:n lisenssi, joten pelissä on joukkueet ja niiden nimet, …
Modo Hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › Modo_Hockey
Modo Hockey on ruotsalainen SHL:n jääkiekkojoukkue, jonka kotipaikka on Örnsköldsvik. Joukkue on perustettu vuonna 1921, ja se on voittanut Ruotsin jääkiekon ...
Hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › Hockey
Hockey is a term used to denote a family of various types of both summer and winter team sports which originated on either an outdoor field, sheet of ice, or dry floor such as in a gymnasium. While these sports vary in specific rules, numbers of players, apparel, and playing surface, they share broad characteristics of two opposing teams using ...
HIFK Hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › HIFK_Hockey
HIFK Hockey (Idrottsföreningen Kamraterna, Helsingfors) on helsinkiläisen urheiluseura HIFK:n jääkiekkojaosto, jonka edustusjoukkue pelaa jääkiekon ...
Ice hockey | History, Rules, Equipment, Players, & Facts › sports › ice-hockey
Aug 14, 2023 · ice hockey, game between two teams, each usually having six players, who wear skates and compete on an ice rink. The object is to propel a vulcanized rubber disk, the puck , past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender, or goalie.
National Hockey League - Wikipedia
VerkkoIt added its 31st and 32nd teams in 2017 and 2021, respectively. The NHL is the fifth-wealthiest professional sport league in the world by revenue, after the National …
USA Hockey - Wikipedia › wiki › USA_Hockey
www .usahockey .com. USA Hockey is the national ice hockey organization in the United States. It is recognized by the International Olympic Committee and the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee as the governing body for organized ice hockey in the United States and is a member of the International Ice Hockey Federation.
Hockey - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › Hockey
Hockey. Field hockey. Ice hockey. Hockey is a type of sport in which players try to get points by hitting an object into the other team's goal with a stick. Others believe hockey came from the French word “hoquet” which means shepherd's stick.
Ice hockey - Wikipedia
Ice hockey (or simply hockey) is a team sport played on ice skates, usually on an ice skating rink with lines and markings …