Hippopotamus - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › HippopotamusHippopotamus. Range map of the hippopotamus. Historic range is in red while current range is in green. [1] The hippopotamus ( / ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs / HIP-ə-POT-ə-məs; [3] Hippopotamus amphibius ), also called the hippo, common hippopotamus, or river hippopotamus, is a large semiaquatic mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa.
Uutiset - Hippos
https://www.hippos.fi/uutiset3.10.2022 · Suomen Hippos ry. Käyntiosoite: Valjakkotie 1 D, 02600 ESPOO. Postiosoite: Ravitie 1, 00370 HELSINKI. Vaihde: 020 760 500 Puhelinvaihde avoinna ma-pe klo 8-11 ja 12-16. …
Hippopotamus | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
www.worldwildlife.org › species › hippopotamusThe hippopotamus, also known as the “river horse,” lives along the rivers and lakes throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Weighing up to 8,000 pounds, the hippo is the heaviest land animal after the elephant. Hippos seek refuge from the heat by living in water during the day, and at night they come ashore to feed on short, soft grasses and fallen fruit. The eyes and ears of a hippopotamus are on ...
Hippos 124 - Sukuposti
http://www.sukuposti.net › hevoset › hipposHippos. Rotu, Suomenhevonen, Sukupuoli, ori, Reknro, 124 ro Saarijärvi. Syntynyt, 1891 (kuollut 16.12.1911, tapettu tapaturman tähden), Maa, Suomi, Emälinja.