Matari | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom › wiki › MatariMatari is an NPC located in Port Ormos, Sumeru. She can be found by the shop across from Djafar Tavern talking with Mahshid during the day. Both can be found seated at Djafar Tavern during nighttime. "Got it, got it..." Media:VO Matari 01.ogg "Got it, got it, you're— completely right." (Voice-Over) "Got it, got it..." Media:VO Matari 02.ogg "Got it, got it. Oh, so then— what happened next ...
Matari | Naraka: Bladepoint › characters › matariMatari is a Naraka: Bladepoint character. The Silver Crow: The grasslands shall be wreaked by furious gales the day that Temulch awakens his inner power. His ancestral legends are burned into his mind, and the glory he seeks is so near he can almost taste it. The Grey Wolf shall strike again. Gender.
Maja Matarić - Wikipedia › wiki › Maja_MatarićMaja Matarić is an American computer scientist, roboticist and AI researcher, and the Chan Soon-Shiong Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Neuroscience, and Pediatrics at the University of Southern California. She is known for her work in human-robot interaction for socially assistive robotics, a new field she pioneered, [1] [2] which ...