Tuleva läntisen Tampereen keskus - Hiedanranta
hiedanranta.fiAug 14, 2023 · Alueen työmaat, tekijät, kunnossapito ja yhteystiedot. Entisestä tehdasalueesta rakennetaan kaupunginosa 25 000 asukkaalle. Neljän kilometrin matka Tampereen keskustasta Hiedanrantaan käy Ratikalla 12 minuutissa jo alkuvuodesta 2025.
The Future City District - Hiedanranta
hiedanranta.fi › en › hiedanrantaThe Hiedanranta City District. The plan is to turn Hiedanranta into a sustainable city district, consisting of three subareas: Hiedanranta Centre, Lake City and the new Lielahti. The construction is planned to start in early 2025 and the first residents to move in their homes in 2025. Hiedanranta already houses independent culture and ...
We’re building something extraordinary - Hiedanranta
hiedanranta.fi › enLocated next to Lielahti industrial area and four kilometres from Tampere City Centre, Hiedanranta will become pleasant place to live, work and spend leisure time. The old industrial area is already open for people, events and activities. Get to know the plans. Things to do. History. 2024.
Innovations - Hiedanranta
hiedanranta.fi › en › innovationsInnovations. Hiedanranta has served as a platform for development and cooperated with Tampere residents, companies, research facilities and other organisations. The aim is to create a Co2 negative Hiedanranta that produces more than it consumes.