Hermannikakku - Resepti | Kotikokki.net
www.kotikokki.net › reseptit › naytaHermanni saa nyt viimeisen kerran ruokaa: 2,5 dl sokeria 150 g pehmoista margariinia 3 munaa 1 tl suolaa 2 tl leivinjauhetta 3,5 dl vehnäjauhoja 200 g rusinoita tai pähkinöitä 2 tl kanelia . Paista rengasvuoassa, 170 asteessa noin 60 min. uunin alaosassa. Hermanni on luonnollisesti kohoava taikinajuuri. Anna Hermanni 7. päivänä ystävillesi.
Home | hermannihavenhome
www.hermannihaven.comA comprehensive online guide to Hermann's tortoises and all other species of the genus Testudo. The Testudo tortoises are an iconic group of species and subspecies found throughout Europe. For an impressive amount of time they have remained extremely popular in herpetoculture and have always been a focal point for us here at Garden State Tortoise. Although well-known, mass confusion surrounds the proper identification and understanding of them.