Design District Market - Design District Helsinki › en › eventsMay 23, 2015 · DESIGN DISTRICT MARKET 23.5.2015 klo 11-17 Dianapuisto / Dianapuisto Park Erottajankatu 7, Helsinki Discover great finds at Design District Market! Fashion, jewellery, design items, art and much more for sale from the members of Design District Helsinki. Bring your friends and family to enjoy the day! Participants:
Frontpage - Design Helsinki › enMay 26, 2021 · Digital design Helsinki strives to be the city that makes the best use of digitalisation in the world. Design lies at the heart of digital services development and the implementation of the City of Helsinki digitalisation programme. With more than 1,000 digital channels, the City tackles a major design task. 26.05.2021 Helsinki Central Library Oodi
The Best Markets to Visit in Helsinki - Culture Trip › europe › finlandMay 20, 2020 · It is Helsinki’s international, and its most famous market, located near the city centre, a very accessible location for tourists where many cruise ships dock. The shops sell traditional Finnish treats as well as souvenirs, and you can enjoy music talents performing in the Market Square using instruments like the hydrophone and classical guitar.
Design market - Helsinki Design Week › design-marketThe Design Market has been a part of Helsinki Design Week for over 18 years, and it has been held in the VR Warehouses, at the Cable Factory, and now, also in vendors’ own online stores. Our selection of vendors favour designers and manufacturers of sustainably produced and high-quality products.