Front page - Helsinki Biennial › enMar 29, 2023 · Helsinki Biennial is an international art event that brings outstanding contemporary art to Vallisaari Island, HAM Helsinki Art Museum and locations around Helsinki. The next Helsinki Biennial takes place from 12 June to 17 September 2023. News “The Helsinki Biennial could be Europe’s coolest new arts festival” – TimeOut
Helsinki Biennial - HAM › en › helsinki-biennialHelsinki Biennial is an international contemporary art event which takes place every other year on Vallisaari Island and on the mainland. The second edition will be organised from 12 June to 18 September 2023. The biennial is a major initiative of the City of Helsinki, and is part of the City Strategy 2021–2025.
Helsinki Biennial 2023 - Vallisaari › helsinki-biennaali-2023Helsinki Biennial 2023. Helsinki Biennial 2023 reveals New Directions May Emerge as the title of its second edition, which will take place from 12 June to 17 September 2023. The biennial brings together around 30 established and emerging artists and collectives from Finland and across the world.