Avoimet työpaikat | Helsingin yliopisto
www2.helsinki.fi › fi › avoimet-tyopaikatPostdoctoral Researcher in Public Economics and Tax Systems. 17.1.2022. The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution of academic education in Finland, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks ...
Avoimet työpaikat | Helsingin yliopisto
www2.helsinki.fi › fi › avoimet-tyopaikatDoctoral researcher, biogeochemical cycles and/ or micrometeorology. 20.1.2022. Measured in number of students and teachers, the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki is the largest science faculty in Finland. There are some 6,000 students taking a basic degree. Out of them, some 1,000 are postgraduates.